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portgd, 3.0.0 TOT build again

  • Portgd still not working well
  • Build 3.0.0 TOT again
  • Added package of pdn to 2.1.0. Somehow I missed it
  • Repackaged cdklinux

Portgd's continuing woes

Turns out the problem is that we are attempting to do a cvs add from outside of the repository. Portgd works from one directory and checks out an los178.from and an los178.to. Then from that directory it attempts to cvs add los178.to/<path>/<dir>. This will not work. We need, instead, to cd los178.to then do cvs add <path>/<dir>.

But portgd was also having a problem trying to recursively add the directories above new files. How to debug/test this is the question...