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CVS Adm Web App Conf

  • CVS Adm Web App now uses files under <DocumentRoot>/cvsadm/<cvs_server>/<repository>/CVSROOT
  • CVS Adm Web App now uses a cvsadm.conf file to configure the servers and repositories it will consider working on.
  • Need to implement the cvs checkout of CVSROOT

New File Store

Instead of relying on network access to a file store under /<cvs_server>-cvs/<repository>/CVSROOT/etc... we now instead rely on it directly under <DocumentRoot>/cvsadm. This also will allow us to create/refresh that area using cvs checkout CVSROOT instead. The checkout portion has not yet been implemented because currently I cannot checkout CVSROOT due to lack of permissions. I have asked Vinnie to create a test repository so I can play with this and not damage anybody.


Also, instead of having a simple list of CVS servers and hoping that /<cvs_server>-cvs is a network path to that server's CVS repositories a scheme was designed to use a configuration file. Soon cvs checkout CVSROOT will be used to populate a different file store to work on and when files are modified cvs commit's will commit them to the actual CVS repositories. This also has the effect of defining and perhaps limiting exactly which servers and repositories CVS Adm Web App is even allowed to work on.

The format of the config file is simple. Here's an example:

# File:         cvsadm/cvsadm.conf
# Description:  Identifies the CVS servers and repositories per server
# Author:       Andrew@DeFaria.com
# Created:      Thu Jul  7 16:54:07 PDT 2005
# Modified:
# Language:     Perl
# (c) Copyright 2005, LynuxWorks Inc., all rights reserved.
# Format: <host> <respository>
rock    los178-cvs
t3      X-cvs
t3      bootloader-cvs
t3      gcc-cvs
t3      lynxos-cvs
t3      results-cvs
t3      spyker-cvs
t3      tst-cvs
t3      yaboot-cvs
tomcat  hybrid-os-cvs