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Built LOS178 2.1.0 TOB

  • Completed the build of LOS178 2.1.0 TOB and released it to t3:/export/dev_archive/los178/2p1p0/20050628
  • Updated cvs_report to not report duplicate entries. This can occur when somebody say checks in foo.c thus creating revision 1.2 for CR 40 and then checks in foo.c again, thus creating revision 1.3. Before cvs_report would report foo.c twice. Now it just reports the highest revision (e.g. 1.3).
  • Updated cvs_report to take another parameter, -cvsr, for a cvs report area. cvs_report uses this area in order to determine what to report. Contained in this area is a .cvsr file which holds the baseline tag. However if you want to report on both the main trunk and a branch then you can't use the same area. In the past cvs_report was oriented to using the module name for the area. Now you can specify an alternate area.