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Redoing PPC build

  • Recreated LynxOS on PPC machine from scratch
  • Rebuilding toolchain

The LynxOS I put on t-mcpn765-1 was suspect as I had untarred a couple of different X/Motifs onto the root file system and the toolchain build was failing anyway. This was a good opportunity to redo this and make sure my documentation was correct.

Note: For this building of the toolchain I used the 20210.xfree.tar.gz for the first time

To build the toolchain I did the following (note that I had already got a copy of the toolchain src and unpacked it onto the k partition):

# . SETUP.bash

  Setup : ENV_PREFIX is an environment variable that points to
        : the root of the build/release directory.  The ENVIRONMENT
        : file is found as $ENV_PREFIX/ENVIRONMENT.
        : Set ENV_PREFIX to /?  [y]

  Target : Please specify the target
          (ppc, x86, arm or mips) : ppc

  Setup : Complete!

# ulimit -s 1000000 -d 1000000
# mount /dev/sdncr.0k /mnt
# cd /mnt/toolchain/3.2.2/010405/
# ls
Makefile                fixup.sh*               src/
build-powerpc/          install.log             stamp-configure-powerpc
# make clobber
rm -rf {build,install,stamp-*}-powerpc
# ./fixup.sh
+ cd src
+ touch texinfo/intl/plural.c
+ touch libgui/library/tclIndex
+ find . -name aclocal.m4 -exec touch '{}' ';'
+ find . '(' -name config.in -o -name config.h.in ')' -exec touch '{}' ';'
+ find . '(' -name Makefile.in -o -name stamp-h.in ')' -exec touch '{}' ';'
+ find . -name configure -exec touch '{}' ';'
# make install > install.log 2>&1 &