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Disk space problems & int_tools checkout

  • Rebuilt PPC cross toolchain from 120604-B
  • Attempted to build 120604-C but ran out of diskspace on Dopey
  • Discovered source of problem with toolchain tarball naming inconsistenies

Rebuilding of cross toolchain from 120604-B

After building LynxOS 120604-B and only receiving a few errors about (see previous days entry) I decided to attempt to rebuild the toolchain again. This seemed to work OK!

Building LynxOS 120604-C

With the toolchain rebuilt I went to rebuild LynxOS 120604-C. At this point Dopey ran out of disk space. I moved the 120604-A subdirectory over to /export/build2/defaria temporarily because that filesystem had much more space.

Toolchain tarball naming change

AKA, why one should always cvs checkout int_tools instead of just copying it

There's been this nagging problem of int_tools not being able to find the proper toolchain tarball to install compilers. This we due to the fact that I've been copying int_tools from 120604-A -> 120604-B -> 120406-C. Well names have changed but the copies of int_tools didn't reflect that change! Plus, for some reason, somebody hand fixed 120604-B but 120604-C and -A had been refreshed from CVS. Moral of this story is to always use cvs checkout to get a fresh copy of int_tools.

Note: This underscores one of the things that I do not like in CVS, that being the tendency of making many copies of what's in CVS due to it's snapshot view/sandbox like methodology. It's easy to see where one might create a 120604-C/int_tools directory via a cvs checkout int_tools and that int_tools be different than 120604-B and 120604-C's copies. If one then needs to make a change to int_tools and this change should apply to the -B and -C areas as well then one needs to remember about the -B and -C areas and remember to update them as well. This is a common problem with a snapshot/sandbox philosophy. Nevermind that it's wasteful to have so many multiple copies of essentially the same thing - wasteful in terms of diskspace and prone to misunderstanding and human error.