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LOS178 Build/5.0.0 native toolchain build

  • LOS178 build after copyright fix builds with 12 errors. Test build of LOS178 without copyright fix also builds with 12 errors!
  • Building of 5.0.0 toolchain natively is failing

LOS178 copyright fix

The Perl script to fix the copyrights in LOS178 sources needs detect if there was a prior copyright block and replace it if necessary. Finding old copyright blocks is hueristic in nature and thus fallable. The problem is there are no sentenals clearly marking our copyright. The best the script can do is attempt to find a comment block that starts and ends with a particular comment line based on the "/" and a number of "*"'s for the start and a number of "*"'s and a "/" for the end. Problem is we do not know if what's inbetween is really our copyright. The hueristic can be tuned finer with some difficulty but currently it does not.

The real difficulty is that there is no real standard in our copyright blocks thus it is hard to get this right

As it stands the script occasionally misinterprets a comment block, sometimes just the ending comment block, and alters the file in such a way that it introduces compile errors.

There were a number of files that this occurred in and they were hand edited

5.0.0 Native Toolchain Build

In picking up ECR 23084 I was able to build the toolchain for both cross x86 and ppc. In building the native toolchain there is an error:

Configuring texinfo...
configure: error: invalid package name: gcc-version-trigger
Configure in /mnt/toolchain/build-i386/texinfo failed, exiting.
make: *** [stamp-configure-i386] Error 1

Thu says that I didn't run fixup.sh but I did. The toolchain does not package up fixup.sh so I grabbed one from somewhere. Thu suggests that we file an ECR for this and fix the Makefile.