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New Trigger

Here are the requirements as I understand them for the trigger that Steve Lipson wants for the SQL checkins. Basically he desires a trigger that will capture the checkin comment and other information and insert that information in the form of a comment at the top of the checked in element. This trigger will:

  • Be a postop trigger for the checkin action
  • Not be an all element trigger rather it will be attached to certain file elements in the vob
  • Be made for the <fill in vob name here> vob
  • Only work on file elements - directory elements are to be skipped
  • Only work on file elements that have an extension of .sql - other elements will be skipped

Roughly the psuedo code for this trigger will be:

# Get name of element and its type
$pname        = $ENV{CLEARCASE_PN};
$element_type = $ENV{CLEARCASE_ELTYPE};

# Skip directories and elements that aren't .sql
exit if $element_type =~ /directory/i || $pname !~ /\.sql$/i;

# Get comment and user
$userid    = $ENV{CLEARCASE_USER};

# Format timestamp
$timestamp = getCurrentTime;

# Parse output of lsactivity -cact -long
($activity_id, $activity_title, $activity_owner) = parseLSActivity;

# Open up $pname for reading and $pname.trig for writting
open PNAME_IN, $pname
  or die "Unable to open $pname for reading - $!\n";

open PNAME_OUT, ">$pname.trig"
  or dir "Unable to open $pname.trig for writing - $!\n";

# Add comment to top of file
print $PNAME_OUT <<END;
-- Date:	    $timestamp
-- Activity: $activity_id: $activity_title
-- Owner:    $activity_owner ($userid)
-- Comment:  $comment

# Append $pname
while () {
  print PNAME_OUT $_;
} # while

close PNAME;
close PNAME_OUT;

# Switch $pname.trig -> $pname
unlink $pname;
rename "$pname.trig", $pname;

# Allow checkin to proceed
exit 0;