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Clearcase & Clearquest Web

  • Partitioned drive

  • Installed Windows XP

  • Attended Peregrine Training

  • Configured Clearquest web

  • Worked with Michael on Clearcase web problems

  • Worked on problem with accessing Clearcase due to outgrowing the lockmgr's limits

  • Implemented Heap Size fix and Lockmgr fix to new production servers

Several people have been reporting odd problems with Clearcase. In investigating this I checked the server log files and found a lot of:

*** db_VISTA database error -922 - the lock manager is busy

Searching Rational's web I saw lock manager problems, settings and guidelines which seems to indicate that we've probably already outgrown the default parameters for the lockmgr. The article talks about monitoring the server processes for a week to determine how to best set the values for lockmgr. Unfortunately we don't have a week to wait so for the mean time I simply set the following parms on the lockmgr and restarted Clearcase on the vob sever:

-a almd -u 100 -f 200 -q 500
That should give us some breathing room. Meantime I set up a quick script to monitor the number of server processes as per the article.