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Sons-clearcase Network Problems

I saw some email saying that there was some possible problems with some Clearcase stuff and decided to investigate. I had talked with Ron on Friday and he is aware of our network problems. But today I could not contact sons-clearcase at all. I can seem to ping and otherwise contact other machines such as sonscentral, sonsservices and engineer's desktops such as dko and gtsang. I can even ping sons-cc in Shanghai! I fear there might be something wrong with sons-clearcase itself - perhaps the network card. Why can I contact other machines but not sons-clearcase?

Not sure if I should go in to reboot sons-clearcase and see if she comes up OK. I guess I oughta...

Hmmm... I can't ssh adefaria@adefaria either. Doesn't accept my password. ssh ccadmin@adefaria doesn't work either. Could this be an Active Directory problem too?

Was able to remote desktop to sonscentral. Doesn't seem like my account is locked. Neither is ccadmin. Can't tell if this network issue is just sons-clearcase or a larger problem.