SDDLS sync to guardian/QC updates

  • After a 5 hour run, finally managed to get the sync to guardian of SDDLS to work. Looks like it worked correctly. Need to work on documenting. Also need to get Randy to check things out and deliver a simple change
  • Spoke with Jason more. It seems the .vbs script are indeed updating a QC database - one with "clearquest" in the name but a QC database nonetheless
  • Described how to use dynamic views in Eclipse

Eclipse plugin support for Clearcase

There are 3 plugins that I see in my Eclipse environment. You can see them by selecting Help: Software Updates: Manage Configuration. Expand the C:\Program Files\Eclipse (or wherever you put Eclipse). You'll see the following Clearcase related plugins:

  • Rational Clearcase MVFS Support I think this is what supports dynamic views
  • Rational Clearcase Remote Client for Eclipse 7.0.1.D061004: I think this is what supports web views or CCRC
  • Rational Clearcase SCM Adapter I think this is just an adapter that translates Clearcase CM commands to Eclipse - which can use Clearcase or CVS or SVN, etc.

Accessing an existing dynamic view in Eclipse

When you are in Eclipse with the above plugins many operations seem to be CCRC focused. For example, attempting to join a UCM project will lead you down a path to creating a CCRC or webview. Also, things like Clearcase: Create Clearcase View start with 1) a dialog box that says Create Base Clearcase View and asks to Select a Clearcase Web Server for the view. But you can create dynamic views outside the context of Eclipse and then use them in Eclipse.

Assuming you made a view by joining a project say from the Project Explorer, select File: New Project, expand General and then select Project and Next.

New Project Dialog box

Give your project a name, toggle off Use Default Location and browse to your view mounted under the M drive and into a vob (must be done in some vob):

New Project Dialog 2

Click Finish. If you get the following dialog box then click Cancel.

Add Element

This may be required. In Eclipse select Window: Preferences and then filter by "mvfs". If necessary click on Workspace and Apply then do Windows: Preferences again and click on Enable ClearCase dynamic view file system support.

MVFS Preferences

You should see Eclipse Refreshing Workspace running in the background. I'm not 100% what that's doing (getting Clearcase attributes to cache them?)

You should be able to right click on your newly created project (GDN_6.6.3 in the example above) and select Team then things like Show Version Tree or Compare with Previous Version etc.