ucmwb 1.2.3

  • Fixed all ucmwb issues except for the Linux port - still waiting for Oracle Client Libraries and SDK for Linux

UCMWB 1.2.3

I've fixed several issues with ucmwb and feel that it might be time to release a new ucmwb. This has caused me to look into how ucmwb works out in the wild.. From what I can tell there are the following "bits":

  • ucmwb is invoked via /usr/local/bin/ucmwb, which is a simple tcsh script that calls /prj/muosran/bin/ucmwb

     #! /usr/bin/tcsh
  • /prj/muosran/bin/ucmwb is a symlink to

With the advent of ucmwb for Linux we need to change things so that the script at /usr/local/bin/ucmwb is smart enough to invoke the correct executable. First I propose that we name the executable as ucmwb.$(uname -s). Next we replace /usr/local/bin/ucmwb with the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
arch=$(uname -s)

if [ -x $ucmwb ]; then
  exec $ucmwb $@
  echo "Unable to find ucmwb for $arch"
  exit 1

The following tickets have been addressed in this release:

# ID Headline
1 RANCQ00014268 UCMWB Save Activity List improvements
2 RANCQ00014402 UCMWB should unset activity before deleting the view
3 RANCQ00013782 ucmwb defect - does not delete view when rebase pending
4 RANCQ00012828 Fix shared stream view creation from UCM Workbench.
5 RANCQ00011424 UCM Workbench doesn't create the correct stream for Target WORs
6 RANCQ00011414 UCMWB create view with common target dev WOR incorrectly creates new stream
7 RANCQ00010523 UCM Workbench - View Browser - Copy View Privates - Preserve Modification Times
8 RANCQ00013592 Execute 'cade' command when opening Unix prompt from WorkBench
9 RANCQ00010457 Suggestion to improve UCM workbench to help with Rebase activity
10 RANCQ00014267 UCMWB should save Clearquest password so it doesn't need to be constantly specified


  1. RANCQ00014268: Only part of Save Activities is fixed. If the user cancels the dialog box it no longer complains about not being able to write to a file. The part about adding .html is more problematic than initially anticipated.
  2. RANCQ00013782: When deleting a view, stderr from the cleartool rmview is now displayed if there were any errors. This covers both the rebase problem and deliver problem...
  3. RANCQ00013592: Decided not to implement this
  4. RANCQ00010457: This would be better handled by Tom's rebase trigger.
  5. RANCQ00014267: Clearquest password is saved for the duration of the ucmwb session. Storing the Clearquest password in preferences might be a security concern.