ranlin0[2|3] released

  • After resolving issue with cleartrig and fonts, released ranlin0[2|3] to production

New Linux workstations ranlin02 & 03 now ready

The new Linux workstations ranlin02 and ranlin03 are now ready for use. Clearcase and Clearquest have been installed on them and they have been properly configured into the RAN network.

There is a slight issue regarding problems with Clearquest and clearprompt (a dialog box tool used by our tools) and fonts. Sometimes this leads to dialog boxes that lack any text due to font rendering problems.

A fix had been implemented. For users who will be using these new Linux boxes (especially if they use Solaris desktops, will be remotely logging into these Linux boxes and displaying things back to their Solaris boxes running CDE) simply add the following "source" to their ~/.cshrc:

#ident  "@(#)local.cshrc        1.2     00/05/01 SMI"
umask 002
set path=(/bin /usr/bin /usr/ucb /etc /usr/sbin /usr/atria/etc
/usr/atria/bin /usr/openwin/bin /usr/dt/bin /usr/local/bin
/opt/hpnpl/bin .)
if ( $?prompt ) then
   set history=64              # previous commands to remember.
   set savehist=64             # number to save across sessions.
   setenv system `hostname`     # set hostname
   set prompt="[$system`pwd`] " # set prompt
   alias       cd      'cd \!*; set prompt="[$system`pwd`] "'
alias ct /usr/atria/bin/cleartool
alias ll 'ls -l'
alias la 'ls -a'
alias cdd 'cd ..'
alias cddd 'cd ../..'
#alias shello /vobs/cello/civ/test_utilities/scripts/shello
source /prj/muosran/config/.cshrc.muosran
source /prj/muosran/config/.cshrc.linux