CQ log files

  • Looked into yet another hang up with CQ web servers

CQ Web logs

We get a lot of errors in the logs of the form:

[Tue Sep 26 11:08:51 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist: 
C:/Program Files/Rational/Common/rwp/webapps/cqweb/dct/html/images, referer: 
[Tue Sep 26 11:08:51 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:
C:/Program Files/Rational/Common/rwp/webapps/cqweb/dct/html/images, referer:
These errors are not a big deal except they cloud the log files with meaningless stuff that you need to skip over all the time. I decided to look into this and see where they were coming from. In the file .../rwp/webapps/wre/common/script/common.js there appeared the following code:
var arrowOff=new Image();
var arrowOn=new Image();
      arrowOn.src="images/arrow_red.gif" ;

This appears to be causing the problem so I updated that JavaScript to:

var arrowOff=new Image();
var arrowOn=new Image();
        arrowOn.src="/wre/common/images/arrow_red.gif" ;

I'm not sure if this is a Rational problem or something that TI has done but with the above fix the error seems to go away. Well at least for me. I suspect others are still generating the error because JavaScript is cached by the browser. Hopefully as people restart there browsers this will go away.

Additionally the following error is still appearing in the logs:

[Mon Sep 25 20:31:06 2006] [error] [client] File does not exist:
C:/Program Files/Rational/Common/rwp/htdocs/favicon.ico

I've put a favicon.ico in the proper area on dfls85. The error seems to have diminished however I don't see a favicon in the browser so I'm not sure if this is working.

The two "fixes" above will need to be replicated to the other servers (dfls83 and 84) at some time.

Finally another error shows up:

[Tue Sep 26 18:31:18 2006] [error] [client] [Tue Sep 26 18:31:18 2006] create.pl: 
Useless use of concatenation (.) or string in void context at OMAPS.pm line 318,  line 139.

This seems to be an error in CSSD's code which is located under .../Rational/cgi-bin. Going to http://dfls85/cgi-bin/create.pl first redirects me to TI's authentication web page but then back to, in my case, here. Going to that page generates this error in the error log everytime.