New Build Server

This entry will serve as documentation for making a new Windows build server for RIMF

  • New machine received with Windows 2003 XP (SP 1?) installed
  • Install Clearcase 2003.06.00
  • Installed Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003
  • Installed Cygwin
  • Installed JDK 1.4.2

Clearcase Install

Clearcase install went relatively flawlessly.

Cygwin Install

Made sure my Cygwin repository is up to date. Installed Cygwin on new server. Seems the build process uses ksh so I insured that ksh was indeed installed. I think that ksh was the essence of the MKS Toolkit requirement. Going to try to see if I can skip the installation of Perl (ActiveState) and instead just use Cygwin's. This may be problematic and I believe there are Perl scripts in the build process that assume that ActiveState Perl is installed as it explicitly does `rd <dir>` and ActiveState runs that with cmd while Cygwin's Perl uses sh. As rd is not a command, rather a built in for cmd, this fails. Relying on such things is the essence of non portable code...

Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 .NET

Unable to access share where Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003 installation exists!