Vob replications

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Work Performed

  • Reinstalled Clearcase with Multisite this time as a server on sons-sc-cc
  • Changed certain links to point to sons-sc-cc instead of sons-clearcase
  • Created new site_parms.SC
  • Replicated salira, salira2, Tools and hardware vobs. Made sure the synchronization is working. Even China now recognizes the new SantaClara replica.
  • Created new SC region on sons-clearcase as that's currently our registry server until we switch over
  • Cleaned up a little bit of lost+found. Somebody should be doing this (see below).
  • Added triggers

Work to be done

(List not exhaustive nor necessarily in sequence)

  • Move registry service from sons-clearcase -> sons-sc-cc
  • Move license -> sons-sc-cc
  • Perform successful build on sons-sc-cc
  • Set up test client and point it ot the new registry server to test access, checkin/out and build
  • Set up ctmerge jobs
  • Set up Clearquest on sons-sc-cc
  • Migrate Clearquest database -> sons-sc-cc
  • Set up cqd on sons-sc-cc
  • Set up Clearcase sitedefs.dat for client installations
  • Resolve problem with albd_server process not starting on boot

Time spent: 5 hours


The lost+found directory in vobs is there to catch elements that would have otherwise disappeared as a result of a Clearcase action. For example, you create a new directory and put a file in it. Then you decide you don't want that directory so your rmname it. Where does the file under it go? Answer: lost+found. This gives you a chance to recover it should you need to and know where to get it. But most often users either don't want to recover it or simply recreate it. This creates lost+found junk.