More fun with SQL ANYWHERE

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Attempting to transfer databases using MS Access

OK, trying this methodology:

  • Used installutil copyschemarepo command to copy schema.db -> schema.mdb
  • Moved schema.mdb to new server
  • Used installutil copyuserdb command to copy salira_test.db -> test.db.
  • Moved test.db to new server
  • Tried several times to use installutil command to copy salira_bugs.db (the production database) -> bugs2.db. System aborted several times. Not sure if this is due to bad disk blocks or not. This is a major problem as this is the data we care about.

Back on the new server:

  • If I do Connection: New and point to the schema.mdb file it wants to overwrite it! Instead I did File: Import Profile of a profile of the old databases. Of course these say SQL_ANYWHERE. I change this to MS_ACCESS and point to the schema.mdb file and this seems to work.
  • Attempt to do Schema Repository: Move. In doing so I set the Physical Database Name by browsing to the folder via the ellipsis button. This leaves me with D:\Clearquest\schema.db. Clicking on Finish give ms:
    The filename you have specified is not a Share. If other users will need access to this database, you should browse through "Network Neighborhood" to place is in a share. Continue with this name?
    I select No because I do want other users to be able to access this database. Next I change the D:\Clearquest\salira.db -> \\sons-sc-cc\Clearquest\schema.db and click Finish. At this point I get a error dialog stating that it was "Unable to connect to the database server". After much scratching of the head I realize that I should use D:\Clearquest\schema.db, ignore the warning, then go back in and set the Physical Database Name to \\sons-sc-cc\Clearquest\schema.db.

    Oh, a side issue: After failing using a Physical Database Name of \\sons-sc-cc\Clearquest\schema.db the Rational Clearquest Maintenance Tool still creates a schema.db file. If you go Back and correct the Physical Database Name to a local path and click Finish you'll get a database I/O error. Turns out you have to remove this schema.db file first. These two (what else could I call them but) BUGS caused me to lose many hours of sleep.

    Managed to move the schema.mdb -> schema.db.
  • Switching to the Clearquest Designer now to Database: Update User Database Properties. As I only have the test.mdb file to convert I change the user database properties for the test database.
  • Now I select Database: Move User Database to move the test user database to SQL_ANYWHERE

At this point I'd like to run Clearquest Designer and do Test Work so I can at at least verify that I can access the converted to SQL_ANYWHERE test.db. Unfortunately there is a checked out version of the schema in the schema database that I copied over and I'm not the owner of that checked out schema. And I can't login as that user.

By chance I tried Schema Repository: Upgrade: Selected connection in the Clearquest Maintenance Tool and in stepping through those dialog boxes it say "The schema repository that you want to upgrade has checked-out schemas. If you continue the upgrade process, the checked out schema versions cannot be upgraded and will be deleted from the system". I continue onward and manage to "upgrade" the schema and test database. I proceed into Clearquest Designer and manage to Test Work and viola! I got it up. I am nothing if not tenacious!

Total Time: 2 hours