Clearquest Demo/p4test/cvsims

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  • Set up a test bugs database for a demo
  • Set up p4test as a temp server for PQA on production data
  • Further coding of cvsims and integration into CVS


There are still some issues WRT cvsims:

  • When you cvs add a directory it seems that cvsims is called. There is no issue IDs and thus thsi is a problem
  • Currently the path to the file being committed is not being passed. There is a %p that can be added to the command line in loginfo but it merely says "path relative to repository". What does that mean when you are checking in foo/foo.h, foo/foo.c and bar/bar.h?

Turns out that cvs will make calls per path. IOW if you are checking in foo/foo.h, foo/foo.c and bar/bar.h cvs would call the loginfo trigger with path = foo for foo.h and foo.c then call the loginfo trigger again with path = bar for bar.h. Unfortuantely this would leave us with the more ugly:

### adefaria Thu Dec 22 19:14:09 2005 ###
1.6 /projects/ccase_irva/cvsmaster/ims/foo/foo.h
1.7 /projects/ccase_irva/cvsmaster/ims/foo/foo.c

### adefaria Thu Dec 22 19:14:10 2005 ###
1.4 /projects/ccase_irva/cvsmaster/ims/bar/bar.h

As you can see above I added both a -path and -repository options so I can compose the full path to each file.

One thing that is still not handled is the concept of branches. I'm not sure if that is required...