PQA: More issues

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  • Investigating PQA issue regarding email links
  • Implementing cleanup of Dynamic Lists
  • Handed off test DB backup to Vinh
  • Investigated data conversion problems

PQA: Remaining Issues

The following issues came up at this meeting:

  1. Requirement to support old style Email Link's (See below)
  2. Update Production Web Server to latest Clearquest version (See below)
  3. Remaining data conversion issues (Emailed Vinh asking for details)
  4. Dynamic List cleanup (Emailed Vinh asking for updates)
  5. Test DB hand off (Emailed Vinh pointing to backups of my converted database for him to test)

Vinh provided an example: http://extranet.broadcom.com/cqweb/url/default.asp?id=Prod00014218. There are several problems with this. First the default.asp indicates an IIS server and an ASP web application. The new version of RWP is not IIS based rather it is Apache based. I cannot find a default.asp in RWP at all. Thus the above style link will not work.

Vinh says that he generates through hooks in CQ. I suspect what is happening is this: When a defect changes state action hooks kick in and determine it's time to send email to notify the appropriate people that a change in state has happened. At this time Vinh's hooks change/generate these links. As such Vinh needs to change his hooks to generate new URLs that conform to the new Clearquest software. One question I have is how did Vinh come up with http:///url/default.asp?id= as a syntactical template meaning "Show this specific defect"? I cannot find where this is documented.

I tried http://p4test/url/default.asp?id= on p4test and that doesn't work. Perhaps this is just an issue of figuring out what the correct URL template is and changing the hook. The hook could also be modified to perhaps add links for http:////