PQA Merge Issues/Pong

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  • Documented remaining PQA Conversion Issues
  • Audit_Log is not handled properly currently. Querying Vinh
  • Resolved problem with Submitter and Submit_Date. Need to change schema to make those fields OPTIONAL as well as add return statements to the Perl action hooks
  • Investigated using LDAP authentication with Clearquest
  • Wrote a simple expect script (pong) and bash script to verify that a machine is up and send email if it isn't. Problem is ccase-rmna-1 lacks expect!


As it stands Audit_Log is probably not being handled the way you think it should be. My investigation seems to indicate that Audit_Log is, as its name suggest, an auditing of what changes were made. In transferring from the old databases to the new one, the new Audit_Log is essentially a blank slate. It is the responsbility of the Action Script RecordHistory to update the Audit_Log. Thus the only recording in Audit_Log for the transfer is that the record was added! In other words all history is lost! I don't think that's what you want. We will need to similarly change Audit_Log to be a simple OPTIONAL field with no Action Scripts in order for pqamerge to transfer the Audit_Log.

LDAP Authentication

Regarding LDAP authentication: There is a whole new chapter in the Clearquest Admin Guide about this and we'll need to coordinate this with an LDAP Administrator (Ray, who's our LDAP Administrator?). On the plus side users would no longer have to remember separate usernames/passwords for Clearquest. In fact, new users would not even need to be added because if they are in the ActiveDirectory then they have a login from Clearquest. Of course I suspect that security is then achieved by Clearquest groupings, which, as far as I can tell, are still manually created in Clearquest Designer's User Administration screen. Additionally, LDAP permitting, other fields will be instantaneously mapped properly like Full Name, Phone Number and the ever popular Email Address! In other words, LDAP authentication is doable but a little complicated, requires coordination with the LDAP administrator and requires a number of carefully executed commands.

One issue or thing to test would be if older Clearquest clients can still authenticate with LDAP. If not then the user community would need to update their Clearquest.


I now have a script called pong.sh (and a corresponding expect script called pong.tcl) that will "pong" a system and send email if it does not respond. By "pong" I mean it will telnet to the machine, attempt to login as vobadm and check for a "proper" prompt. If it fails then email is sent to the members of our project (Ray is working on a bona fide email alias...).

I planned on running this from ccase-rmna-1 in vobadm's crontab (BTW: There was a blank line in the crontab, which causes Solaris to complain (Other OSes are this picky. I removed that blank line).

The problem now is that ccase-rmna-1 lacks expect! :-(