PQA Merge - Action Hooks & Attachments

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  • There are action hooks in Cont that send out email. I fear my testing may be generating lots of unnecessary email. Would like to have the Action Hook's email procedures coded to be conditional based on say an env var so we can turn off email during the production merge.
  • Attachments are currently not handled because they are different and require special code to iterate through them to copy them to the destination database
  • Need to have the delete action available on the defect record so pqaclean can work. I've modified my schema for that
  • Changed pqamerge to only get the dbid's then to obtain the entity records when needed. Previously I would build a query with all fields. That query took from 6-40 minutes to run before I could even obtain the first record! Also the memory size of Perl grew very big. This algorithm is much faster with the query taking under 1 second!
  • Working on problems with the source data.

Bad data. BAD DATA! Go sit in the corner!

I'm discovering that not all the data in the source databases are clean to start with. For example, HUT_Version -> Board_Revision. in TO all defects have valid HUT_Versions. With Prod some of the HUT_Versions are blank! That's not good as that's an invalid value. For example, use Clearquest to bring up record Prod00002978's Board_Revision (It's shown in Clearquest as Board_Revision but is tied to the field HUT_Version) is blank. Select Modify and the field will be red. On that same record you'll notice that Category is also red. This is because Category is a Constant list and there is no Hardware in that constant list! There are Hardware - Board and Hardware - Chip however. Which do I choose?