PQA Clearquest: Project fields

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Project Fields

Queried Vinh:

Vinh, you may be seeing me asking more questions as I get into coding pqamerge. This email is about Project. Let me see if I understand this:

There are the following "project" related fields:

  • TO:Project: Reference to Project stateless record. Since there are no Project records in the TO database I assume this field is not used and should be ignored from TO.
  • Prod:Project: There are records in Prod. I assume these should be translated to Cont:Found_In_Project.
  • Prod:Project_Name: Apparently not used and should be ignored?
  • TO:Found_In_Project: Short string dynamic list consisting of Release T2.0, Release T2.1, Release T2.5 and Release T3.0. I assume that this translates to Cont:Found_In_Project which is a reference to Cont:Project?

There are other "project" related fields that I'm a little confused about:

  • TO:CommittedToProject: Short string, dynamic list
  • TO:DeferredToProject: Short string, dynamic list
  • Prod:CommittedToProject: Short string, constant list
  • Prod:DeferredToProject: Short string, constant list
  • Cont:CommittedToProject: Short string, dynamic list
  • Cont:DeferredToProject: Short string, dynamic list

Should all of these be changed to references to the Cont:Project stateless record?

Values for new mandatory fields

I've added routines to dynamically create those dynamic lists, however I am having problems with the following fields. These fields are new for Cont and are mandatory. Since I don't have old data to fill them in with I do not know what you want them to be set to. Here are the fields and my guesses:

  • Board_Revision: Default value: ???
  • Found_On_Gold: This is a constant list of "Yes" or "No". I assume "No"
  • PQATestCase: This is a constant list of "Yes" or "N/A". I assume "N/A"