SJ/Irvine Triggers/Sync lock problem/rgy_backup

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There's bad news then worse news WRT rgy_backup.

First the bad news:

It was hoped that when rgy_backup was run on each of the clients - i.e. any machine that is not designated as a backup registry server - it would contact the primary registry server and ask "Who's the backup registry server?" then check to verify that the client was proper configured. If not, that it would update the client's notion of who is the designated backup registry server. Turns out this is not the case! So we would have an issue of how do we properly configure all the clients.

Now the worse news (AKA Why that CC Doctor warning about running Clearcase on a machine that uses DCHP is important):

When I tested rgy_switchover I was surprised that it was unable to switch over any Windows desktop! Here's the output:

    Wizard ccase-sj1-3:rgy_switchover ccase-sj1-4 ccase-sj1-3
    Registry switchover started at 20-Sep-05.16:56:33
    ccase-sj1-3: OK
    ccase-sj1-4: OK
    rgy_switchover: Error: Switchover for client LTSJCA-ADEFARIA failed
    rgy_switchover: Warning: LTSJCA-ADEFARIA: Unable to reconfigure - rgy_switchover: Warning: could not find host, please check hostname
    rgy_switchover: Error: Unknown host 'LTSJCA-ADEFARIA': Host not found
    rgy_switchover: Error: Switchover for client LTSJCA-ADEFARIA failed
    rgy_switchover: Error: Switchover for client PCSJCA-SHIVJHA failed
    rgy_switchover: Warning: PCSJCA-SHIVJHA: Unable to reconfigure - rgy_switchover: Warning: could not find host, please check hostname
    rgy_switchover: Error: Unknown host 'PCSJCA-SHIVJHA': Host not found
    rgy_switchover: Error: Switchover for client PCSJCA-SHIVJHA failed
    rgy_switchover: Error: Switchover for client lbsjca-nnalluri failed
    rgy_switchover: Warning: lbsjca-nnalluri: Unable to reconfigure - rgy_switchover: Warning: could not find host, please check hostname
    rgy_switchover: Error: Unknown host 'lbsjca-nnalluri': Host not found
    rgy_switchover: Error: Switchover for client lbsjca-nnalluri failed
    lbsjca-nnalluri: FAILED
    Registry switchover finished at 20-Sep-05.16:56:34

I suspect that the problem is that the Windows machine name does not resolve to an IP address:

    Local:ping ltsjca-adefaria 64 2
    PING ( 64 data bytes
    72 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2 ms
    72 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0 ms PING Statistics----
    2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
    round-trip (ms)  min/avg/max/med = 0/1/2/1




So then, even if we managed to configure all the clients, if switch over time came, most of them would fail.