PQA Code Page/SJ Vob move

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  • Attended meeting regarding SJ/Irvine Vob move. Shivdutt is investigating doing vob moves instead of replication. Briefly discussed Disaster Recover options.
  • Got Chris' scripts that check for invalid characters in string data for the ASCII character set to work on our test PQA database. Found invalid characters.

Invalid ASCII Characters in Clearquest databases

With Clearquest 2003.06.15 there is more support for internationalization. This means that Clearquest now implements a Code Page which essentially defines the valid character set for data. If it encounters invalid characters the user must correct them.

Question is do we have invalid characters in the current database. Chris Rump had found such invalid characters when performing his Clearquest migration from Irvine -> San Diego. I've quickly adapted his scripts to check a few fields in the TO database and found some. So far all I've found are non ASCII characters for the apostrophe. We think this happens when a user copies and pastes text from Microsoft Word into Clearquest (Thanks Microsoft! :-()

In any event I still need to update the script to check all string oriented fields. If only a few isolated cases can be identified (e.g. Apostrophes, perhaps soft carriage returns, etc.) then perhaps this could be made into a function that will check for invalid ASCII characters and fix them