New CVS Reports

I spent some time improving the web based CVS Reports. As you know I recently added reporting for Bluecat Eng and Bluecat Pkgs. But I've also improved the detailed report (e.g. See the 05/05/2005 report for Bluecat Eng) in the following ways:

  • Report now accurately counts files in ECRs as well as the Total file count. Previously if foo.c was checked in as 1.2 then later foo.c was checked in as 1.3 both would be listed thus inflating the file count. This has been fixed.
  • Changes of files since the previous report are now highlighted. This is a very useful thing because the first question you ask yourself when looking at a report is "What changed?". While this might seem trivial it required a lot of rewriting of the PHP code to accomplish this. Since this is just the PHP code that displays the report it has become immediately effective on all previous reports too!

I encourage you to visit these reports. They really can be quite useful. Maybe we can finally turn off the daily email.... ?