CVS Reports

  • Implemented many improvements to
  • Implemented some improvements to cvsr.php
  • Re-performed steps 1, 8-12 of BC build in order to pickup changes to tests and demos. Made new images available at ftp://saturn.

CVS Report Improvements

Main problem addressed is that certain ECRs (or CRs) would show up if they were imported from a vendor branch. In general handling of revisions on branchs were not working very well. Other improvements include:

  • Changed to use Display package
  • While tries to avoid doing cvs update or recreating the cvs area it is possible that tags could move thus should refresh the cvs area in case the baseline tag has moved.
  • The special tag HEAD is ill defined under CVS. If a file is branched and the baseline tag is on the branch then it turns out that HEAD means the branch's head (this is with cvs diff only). If the file's baseline tag is on the trunk then HEAD means the trunk's head. Additionally the special revision 1.1.1 means vendor branch and is an alias for 1.1. This special situation is now better handled.
  • Changed the cvs diff --brief to use both from and to tags. Initially it was thought that if from tag didn't exist then cvs diff would complain about that. It does - sometimes. Ah the consistancy of cvs! Gotta love it! Still it's thought that it's better (clearer) to specify both from and to tags
  • Detection of no change is now better handled

cvsr.php Improvements

  • Now properly reports the latest revision when multiple revisions are checked in for the same ECR
  • Changed to return 2 character status, one indicating if the file is new and one to indicate if the file has changed (since the last report). This allows us to have a new and changed file.