BC Builds/CVS Corruption

  • Recieved hack to continue on with RH8.0 build. Proceeded to build that on Europa
  • Recieved instructions from Sasha regarding building BC 5.3 on RH 6.1. Proceeded to build that on Jaguar
  • Finished fixing CVS corruption with Vinnie's help

RH 8.0 BC Build

Sasha's only advice was to uncomment a line in the glibc_cdt.spec file that gunzip's these info files. I had seen that before. I did this and restarted a stepwise build @ step 3. I suspect, however, that were I to backtrack to step 1 or so this hack would be overwritten

BC 5.3 build on RH 6.1

Meantime BC development goes on to BC 5.3. Sasha sent a PDF file with instructions for building. Looks like they've incorporated some of the changes I suggested (fixing mktools to be part of step one as well as the patch spec). Unfortunately they have not incorporated the fix for RH 8.0 to the do_it script.

Still the build is progressing fairly nicely and it looks as if they've also reduced the number of steps from 17 -> 13 (though do_it still described steps > 13).

I had made a change or two to do_it essentially removing the su $BUILD_CMD_USER as that causes me problems and utilizing sudo around the mount commands in steps 7 and 11. I have configured Europa such that int has passwordless sudo privileges.