Hybrid OS

  • Checked HybridOS into CVS
  • Rebuilt HybridOS
  • Attempted binary comparison - fails due to $Header$ strings

Binary Differences

Well the build finished but the binary comparison as per the Impact Summary failed. For a while I thought I did something wrong so I went back and re-extracted from the SCL and rebuild the old LOS178 that I had stored on the side, etc. Still it kept failing! Not only 25 files that were different and needed to be disassembled and compared but more like 228 files! What's going on?!?

So I dug deeper... Seems that $Header is embedded in some .o files and the $Headers differ (picking at random a .o that didn't compare):

tomcat:strings -a new.uipc_usrreq.o | grep Header
$Header: /cvs/hybrid-os-cvs/los178/sys/networking/tcpip/general/uipc_usrreq.c,v 1.1 2005/03/30 00:39:03 adefaria Exp $
tomcat:strings -a orig.uipc_usrreq.o | grep Header
$Header: /cvs/los178-cvs/los178/sys/networking/tcpip/general/uipc_usrreq.c,v 2004/03/03 00:59:24 emooring Exp $

So as you can see, we have differences. I don't know why all 2543 .o files extracted from the .a files didn't all differ.