Building Native PPC Toolchain

Thu helped me recover from the makeboot -r 0,48 preboot. This LynxOS 5.0.0 has not networking so I booted back up to the b partition (LynxOS 4.0.0) and mounted the c partition. Next I got X/Motif from t3:/export/dev_archive/lynxos/xmotif/032504 (note that this tarball was named 20010.xfree86.tar.gz) and unpacked it onto the c partition. It is important that XFree is unpacked into the partition and root diretory where LynxOS is.

I had already copied toolchain-src.tar.gz over to the k partition and unpacked under toolchain/3.2.2/010405

Next boot up back to the 5 partition and mount the k partition. SETUP.bash for "/" then go to toolchain/3.2.2/010405 and make install...