• Finished up the lab by reregistring the views properly. Also found and tagged the INDIA vobs and views. One thing left on the environment is the Clearquest stuff but I have no idea what the username/passwords might be. I would like to get Mike on this but he's out. Oh well, the licenses are stille expiring in two days anyhow...
  • Reworked the ASAP_NOTIFY trigger:

    I have changed the trigger that you sent us to operate correctly in the Clearcase environment. This involved quite a few steps:
    • Changed to use the proper Perl conventions of -w and use strict.
    • Changed to work under ccperl, thus guaranteeing that it will work for all Clearcase clients
    • Changed to use Net::SMTP, which is already in ccperl, instead of requiring
    • General code clean up. Also made a few subroutine to help logic flow.
    • Changed to write html logfiles to their web server
    • Changed to send link to html log file in the email.
    • Added this ASAP_NOTIFY trigger to the mktriggers mechanism.
  • Started investigating Ant