Back from San Jose

Well I got an apartment! It's called The Lake and it sure has a large lake. The apartment is a 1 bedroom with a loft and it's 1000 square feet. I have the lake right off my patio. This means that I need to move in this coming weekend! Gotta get busy.

My car's transmission decided to die so I could not drive down and had to fly in instead. Well the flight was nice but it was too damn short! :-) Looks like I'll need a new car. Wonder if I can get the Eclipse back...

Today at work I get in and started downloading the tarball of my stuff. Wonder when I'll get my own userid? Then Babu tells me to come with him. Off to another Clearcase Training class that he's holding in another Ameriquest building (Apparently there are a lot of Ameriquest buildings and we might be moving to one of them. This other building was brand new and quite nice). The class was OK but they were not ready for us so we had to make due with a small conference room and just use Babu's laptop for class exercises. Then Babu cuts out and leaves me to finish up the training! It's only my 3rd day here and I'm supposed to train!?! Oh well. It wasn't that bad but I was not prepared for that.

Got a ton of things to do and to keep track of