built - build bug

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Built Not sure if it's officially done yet in that there may be some problems with the ONU2310 FPGA image.

Meantime I've been trying to figure out why sometimes the build process says all is OK when there are build errors. Turns out to be a shell problem with tee. When building I'm doing:

$ make $card.sf 2>&1 | tee -a $teefile > $card.build.log

Seems this tee thing messes up the return code from make. This can be demonstrated simply by:

$ ls nonexistance_file 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/ls.log > /tmp/ls2.log; echo $?

Need to figure out how to fix this...

Merged NeoPON.ccp from 2.2 -> 2.3 by drawing merge arrow. This was after Zhiyi OKed this merge.

Worked out remaining merge issues on other branches. These were largely "can't check in identical file" type problems.

Attempted an FX -> 2.3 merge. Only like 40 elements to merge but some manual merging was required. Due to build for KDDI this was put on hold. Need to merge this then allow Hok to check in before destroying this branch.