Lawyers Suck

Lawyers suck! I have two of them and while I can say that they are incompetent, I can say they are rarely responsive. If I worked like they did I'd be fired! Now I realize a lot of people hate lawyers but I've always thought that when you think about it, nobody goes to a lawyer when things are good. If you're already in a bad mood and the lawyer must relay to you the bad news of your situation then of course your not going to like them all that much.

However, my experiences with these two is leading me to understand more of why people may hate lawyers. For one they really are not alway looking out for your best interests. They prefer a cookie cutter case that they can apply a cookie cutter solution to. Case in point, my divorce attorney is just trying to settle things. He was told that my s2bx will be staying here in the US on a work visa. It was me who had to point out to him that if she did manage to get a work visa then she has a sponser and a job and that that would change spousal support radically. Now isn't it supposed to be him who should be catching such things?!?

Nevermind he never is around and doesn't contact me. The other day (Oct 17th) his office sent me a fax that said that he was in court that morning but that he definitely needs to speak with me about the contents of the fax and would be contacting me that afternoon. Needless to say he still hasn't contacted me!

The fax spoke of paperwork that opposing counsel has been requesting since July - paperwork I've submitted twice now!

Forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't managing his case load his business!

Argh! And you wonder why I spent last weekend preparing for the upcoming Case Management Conference. I tell ya, if you do not watch out for your own best interests then you're screwed. Lawyers, it seems, do not want to be bothered with really doing their job. And I've been in contact with probably about 15 lawyers courtesy of my s2bx, anywhere from immigartion attorneys to criminal attorneys to family law practitioners (BTW Why is it that they are always "practicing" law? Answer: Because they still don't appear to have it right!) and so far all 15 were very similar (with exception of perhaps one)

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