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More Robin

Last night suddenly my door burst open and there was Robin. After being shocked I remember thinking to myself, "Gee she just barges in". She was with her son, James, who is a rambunctous little guy. He saw my guitars and was immediately interested in them and started trying to play them.

Robin and I talked a bit and I told her again that I was sorry I couldn't get her into Salira. I told her that it's tough for everybody nowadays. I mentioned my interview with IBM. She expressed to me that she was thankful that I tried but it seemed to me as if I would talk and she would not quite hear what I said. Anyways, I put on some music for them to listen to, some of the Cast of Shadows stuff and they were dancing around for a bit.

Robin kept asking me to teach her son guitar or to teach her something on the computer so she can get a job. I'm not a teacher. Anyways one strange thing that Robin told me was that if I could get her a job she'd take me to Hawaii! I told her I just came back from Hawaii actually but I couldn't help thinking why would she take me to Hawaii and what exactly did she mean by that?

She's quite odd and I haven't quite figured out what exactly she's looking for but I keep reminding myself that I don't need a relationship right now and even if I did, she's quite frankly, squirelly at best!