April 2006 Archives

No more <anything>@defaria.com

Due to an influx of spam getting through MAPS with a format of <something>@defaria.com I finally decided to fix MAPS to handle that better. Now if the from is from defaria.com (or the current domain) then the user name is looked up in /etc/passwd using getpwent and if there is no user of that name it is simply nulllisted. This is an obvious attempt by spammers to forge from email addresses.

Also removed logging of when the message is obviously garbled or not conforming to standards. Plus I no longer log if the user uses andrew@defaria.com but fails to have a name such as "Andrew DeFaria <andrew@defaria.com>". The former turns out to be mostly Nigerian spam anyway.

FInally, replaced /usr/local/amps with a direct checkout form CVS!

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