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October 29, 2003


I consulted with Scott and he suggested that I just use a cookie to store the userid and the base things off of that. Seems to work fairly well. Spent some time implementing this and things are looking goodl

October 28, 2003


MAPS Registration

  1. Apparently the JavaScript regex for valid email addresses is not bulletproof yet. Email addresses of tthe form "Joe@Schmoe" pass through the regex OK.
  2. Javascript should check to make sure username doesn't have a space in it
  3. username should be case insensitive
  4. registerform.cgi should not allow a username that is not a valid MAPS user.

October 27, 2003

Apache Session

search.cpan.org: Jeffrey Baker / Apache-Session

It may be possible to use Apache Session to record that somebody has logged into MAPS and provide a persistent state while they are logged in. Question is what happens if people do not log out? How is this to be handled.

Mod Perl

mod_perl: What is mod_perl?

Seems like this is homebase for mod_perl. Still not sure if this can help out with my problems of maintaining the state of what user is currently logged into my MAPS web pages.

October 25, 2003


Created MAPSDeliver to isolate the portion of the MAPS system that needs to be setgid (in order to deposit the mail). While maps itself could output the message and let sendmail deliver it we still need to deliver mesages when somebody registers (i.e. Whitelist) so we need to manipulate the users mail box directly, thus we need to be setgid. MAPSDeliver does this.

October 22, 2003


MAPS Stats

Well I got stats sorta working. Looking pretty good so far. It does seem to take a long time to compile the table for 30 days. Maybe I'll need to page this stuff too.

Need to implement clicking on say Returned for 2003-10-10 so that is only shows that subset. Need to write that into detail.cgi

October 21, 2003

JavaScript RegExs

Core JavaScript Guide 1.5: 4 Regular Expressions

Need to change my JavaScript to use regex's for the purposes of better identifying a valid email address

October 20, 2003


Well I managed to install MIME-tools and I banged and banged on it for a while. I managed to send MIME messages but not exactly the format that I wanted. I want 3 parts:

  1. Plain text containing the MAPS register message
  2. HTML version of #1
  3. Potential spammer's message

I can send the message but #3 is not showing up as an attachement. Emailed the author of MIME-tools. Let's see what he says...


search.cpan.org: MIME-tools - modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities

MAPS needs to use MIME to be able to return messages properly. This is a pointer to MIME-tools, a CPAN module for manipulating MIME messages.