December 01, 1995

Learning Sign Language

One day around Christmas time Danni and I were watching Miracle on 34th Street (the recent remake) and there was a scene where a mother tells Santa that her little daughter cannot speak. Santa handles the situtation well by speaking to the little girl in sign language. Danni looked perplexed and wanted to know what was happening. I tried explaining to her that the little girl could not hear and so she spoke in sign language. Danni unconvincingly took that explaination and then asked "But why can't she talk?". I then tried to explain to her that it is hard to learn to speak when you cannot hear your own voice. I then put my hands up to cover her ears in an attempt to demonstrate how not hearing your own voice makes it difficult to know what you are saying or how it sounds. "Now talk" I said to Danni. Danni just raised her hands and starting mimicking signing!

Posted by Andrew DeFaria at December 1, 1995 09:32 PM
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