Tracking # for Admin Review for WRW2002009031 Olga Fedoryaka
Andrew DeFaria <>
7/26/2001 12:05 AM

I understand [ that reviewed is not denied ]

[ facts unavailable to the INS at the time of approval ] I don't understand. Or rather I don't understand what those facts could possibly be. So I will ask again: What I don't understand, and perhaps you could clear this all up for me, is if my petition were denied then you'd be required to issue me a written statement as to why you denied me. But my petition was sent back for administrative review. Why then are you not similarly required to tell me exactly why my petition is being delayed? And by that I mean not just that it's being sent back for review but the real reasons why it's being sent back for review, not vague statements offered so far. I

t's also odd that you have told me that I can submit additional evidence to the INS when I don't know what evidence is required because I don't know the real reasons why my petition is being reviewed. You keep neglecting to address that point (and I guess I'll just keep asking...).

It may be just "that's how the laws/regulations are currently written" but if so it does seem odd that applicants must be informed in writing why they were denied but not why their being reviewed.

If [ my petition is reapproved ] did happen would my K1 be extended automatically? Or do I have to repetition? Would we simply be scheduled for another interview?