Disaster #1

One fine morning in February, February 5, 2001 to be exact, I got a call from somebody in Toronto, Canada. He identified himself as Neil Davis and asked me if I had a fiancée named Olga Fedoryaka. I told him yes. Then he said something that destroyed my life, at least for the next couple of months. He told me that he was dating her! I was quire frankly stunned and in shock. He knew he was causing me pain and he was in pain too. He told me that he had just got back from Kiev after spending time with her in Yalta. I could not believe this initially but Olga was "missing" for a time after I left. She said she went to her sisters and would be out of touch.

I called Olga and confronted her and caught her in her lie. I was, needless to say, devastated. This time period, from February until about the beginning of April 2001 was, so far, the saddest time in my life. Not only did I have this going on but I also lost my job and remained out of work for 3 months. After just buying a house during the height of the housing boom here in the most expensive place in the US to live I wondered how I would pull my life back together.

Olga and I managed to patch things up (more on this latter, this page is hard to write and hard to revisit and doesn't nothing really towards helping me document my case with the INS, the true reason for these pages) and managed to get our fiancée interview scheduled for April 23, 2001.