Andrew DeFaria
6187 Ellerbrook Way
San Jose, California 95123-5012
Jim Lopez

Dear Mr. Lopez,

I have enclosed a statement that I have prepared for court. This statement documents my wife's situation. I apologize for it's length however I have included various documents including medical records from Kaiser that clearly show that my wife, Olga DeFaria (AKA Olga Moffat), is troubled and in need of professional therapy. I hope this will help her case. I also briefly describe how the impact of her possible removal from the US would effect me.

If my wife is found removable then I understand that I can file for a waiver where I would need to prove that I, and my daughter, would experience extreme hardship if Olga is removed. Here are some of the thoughts that I have that may help the immigration court to see that such a hardship would be extreme to me:


Andrew DeFaria