On March 13, 2003:

Olga DeFaria: I thought of "Unlawful Entry" But i know that you don't really  like to wach video tapes. There is also Home alone 2 if you are interested in that.
Olga DeFaria: Are you interested in any of this movie?
Olga DeFaria:  I gess you are not there.
Olga DeFaria: Are you there?
*** Auto-response sent to Olga DeFaria: I am currently idle.
Olga DeFaria: You know I am really looking forward to make up, and work things out.I miss you. You were in my dream lest night it  was a beautiful dream.
Andrew DeFaria: I went to lunch. Sorry. I'm a little more interested in "Eye for an eye" but I think Home Alone 2 would be best.
Andrew DeFaria: Sorry I woke you.
Andrew DeFaria: I didn't know if you even want to make up or not. Last I heard you want a break and a divorce. What am I supposed to do with such statements except keep away?
Olga DeFaria: I do want, and I  really want things work out..
Olga DeFaria: I think "Eye for an  eye" would be good I haven't seen that movie.
*** Auto-response sent to Olga DeFaria: I am currently idle.
Olga DeFaria: tee
Andrew DeFaria: If you want to make up then I need to you do a few things for me.
Olga DeFaria:  What things? Do you want to make up?
Andrew DeFaria: I have always said, since we started fighting this Monday, that I want to make up and work things out.
Andrew DeFaria: First I need to you say that you don't want to get a divorce.
Andrew DeFaria: I'm tired of that threat.
Andrew DeFaria: Next I need you to admit that opening a car door at 60 MPH is dangerous and the wrong thing to do in any situation (unless you are physically being attacked - which you weren't).
Andrew DeFaria: I need you to say that your sorry for that behavior and that it will not happen again.
*** Auto-response sent to Olga DeFaria: I just went to the bathroom. Be back shortly...
Andrew DeFaria: I need you to admit that grabbing the steering wheel of a car traveling at 60 MPH from the passengers seat in an attempt to turn is off the road is dangerous and the wrong thing to do and that you promise you will not do that again.
Olga DeFaria: It is very dangerous opening a car door at 60 MPH and on a freeway
Olga DeFaria: And it was wrong of me to do that.
Andrew DeFaria: I need to to promise that you will not continue to threaten to commit suicide or otherwise harm yourself or anybody else. This sort of behavior is also dangerous and not acceptable.
Olga DeFaria: I opologise againg that it was wrong of me .
Andrew DeFaria: Do you promise not to continue to threaten to commit suicide or otherwise harm yourself or anybody else?
Olga DeFaria: I am sorry I promise  I will never do such things againg.
Andrew DeFaria: OK. Is there anything you need from me?
Olga DeFaria: I do.
Olga DeFaria: Like what? The one thing I am sure of;   I need your hug, your kiss and all of you home.
Andrew DeFaria: I was just thinking that I made a few demands of you, reasonable demands IMHO, and that perhaps you might have a few demands too.
Andrew DeFaria: You sure seem to have a lot to complain about when we fight. One would think you might want to do something about the things that bother you and ask me for some changes.
Andrew DeFaria: But if you don't then that's your choice too.
Olga DeFaria: OK. I agree.Olga DeFaria: That would be best.
Andrew DeFaria: You agree to what and what would be best?
Olga DeFaria: If the things you do are bothering me I'll  tell you and ask you for some changes in them.
Andrew DeFaria: So then you are saying that right now you have no requests.Andrew DeFaria: Is that a yes or a no or an "I'
Andrew DeFaria: Or an "I'm thinking about it"?
Olga DeFaria: I have a request that I really don like when you talk about me to MA. If you want to say somethink about me may be you can talk to me first and to hear what I think about it.
Andrew DeFaria: I find it very unrealistic that I must "clear" all my conversations to MA with you first. Olga DeFaria: And it is not just MA. any body.
Olga DeFaria: Why.
Andrew DeFaria: I'm sorry but I can't do that. That it just too unrealistic and insecure. I do not ask that you clear your thoughts with me before talking to any of your friends.Olga DeFaria: What do you mean conversation.
Andrew DeFaria: A conversation is when people talk, they are having a conversation.
Olga DeFaria: I am not talking about you  to my friends.
Olga DeFaria: So then here is nothing for me to say.
Andrew DeFaria: That doesn't matter - I do not restrict your freedom of expression. It is unrealistic to stifle somebody in such a manner.
Andrew DeFaria: Well if you continue to request unrealistic things for reasons only you can understand then there is nothing for me to do either.
Olga DeFaria: Then I gess I'll have a conversation with people about you.
Andrew DeFaria: Never said you couldn't.
Olga DeFaria: And wee will se then.
Andrew DeFaria: What are we looking for?
Olga DeFaria: How do you feel about it.
Andrew DeFaria: I have no problem with it - as long as it's the truth.
Olga DeFaria: Fine then.
Andrew DeFaria: And not your opinion of the truth but the facts.
Olga DeFaria: I do not anderstand your sentence
Andrew DeFaria: I do not have a problem with you stating facts. I would very much have a problem with you stating your opinion of the facts as if they were facts when in reality they are just your perception of the situation.
Olga DeFaria: What is stating your opinion? and what is perception?
Andrew DeFaria: "Stating your opinion" in this context means stating what you think, not necessarily stating the facts. Opinions are people beliefs and do not require a basis in fact. For example, I like "red" while you like "blue".
Olga DeFaria: When in reality they are just my
Andrew DeFaria: "perception" is somebody's view point. In other words what they see. Again it is not necessarily based in facts nor the truth, rather is it just how somebody sees something.
Andrew DeFaria: Spreading "opinions" and "perceptions" is gossip. Spreading facts is news.
Olga DeFaria: Well then I have nothing to say any more.
Andrew DeFaria: I thought that we might be making up but you seem content on continuing to argue. Oh well, at least, if your promises were truthful, I feel a little safer.