This is my interpretation of this song and is subject to lots of things including what I was going through at the time. Yours may differ. Understand that I had recently separated with my wife and had taking a trip to Death Valley just to get away from it all for a while. I had enjoyed singing this song often in the past as it has a nice melody and the like but had not really given the lyrics much thought. On the surface it seems like a song about holding on to your current love.

I had thought that I had lost this tape. I was almost back to San Jose when I had popped in this unlabeled tape and had immediately recognized it. But when this song came on I was hit like a lightening bolt as I finally realized the relevance of the lyrics to my particular situation. So much so I had to pull over and with tears streaming down my face I just had to record the lyrics. Doesn't sound that traumatic now but it had real impact then.Here's my take on it:

Hold on to Love

by Jon Anderson
There you have it, you see this love regretting
Right off the bat this seems strange. Why are you regretting love? Isn't love supposed to be cherished?
Something's wrong again,
Something's not going right. As in my case this reflected the constant problems that I had had with my wife.
but you had it in the palm of your hands
You thought that you had been in love and that you wouldn't be having problems but you are.
Your heart has starting bleeding
Your heart hurts. There's constant pain from something that should be giving you constant pleasure - love.
gotta get out believing
You're on your own forever,
No matter what you do you will always be with yourself. This, to me, is a statement of recognition that you have to realize that you will always be with you - and that you are broke - right now. Not very happy with yourself and you have low self esteem.
it's not the space or time or weather
At the time I had just been to Death Valley. There's a lot of space out there! Including the space I was trying to achieve by going away from my problems for a while. The time I spent doing this, while refreshing, didn't solve the problems.
(Chorus 1)

You can leave

Yes I can take off - but it won't solve the problem.
You want - you can't have
I'd like to have a loving relationship. But merely wanting it doesn't make it come into being.
You need - you can't touch
I really felt I needed to relate to someone and to feel the warmth of human contact - the reassurance that I'm worth something to somebody. But I couldn't simply reach out and touch anybody.
You plead it's enough it's enough
You get desperate and wonder why you just can't seem to connect with anybody. You want it to stop and for things to be good again.
There's something happening to ya
You sense something changing - a reckoning, revelation or insight.
Love can see right through ya
Though you wonder why nobody seems to see your worth, there are other lovely people who are picking up on the fact that you are in the process of changing, blossoming once again.
In a world of make believe
In the fantasy world, as portrayed by Hollywood and incurable romantics as love, you have felt like it is some make believe thing that you either just don't get or that is unreal. You want to give up on it.
Don't go throwing it all away
Wait! There may be some hope!
Hold on to love - hold on to love
Hold on to the concept of love!
Treat it as a good thing
It is not something to see as bad - rather good!
Be always ready with that electric feeling
Isn't it electric when love starts? Are you ready for it?
You work so hard - to be in love with her
Again here, with reference to my situation, I do believe that I did work hard trying to save the relationship and get the love back. But you can't get the love back just because you want it to be there and fear that it is not. In the end the love went away and I didn't want to admit that.
She tried so hard
This is a statement of recognition that my wife also made an effort (there's two sides to every story). That she wanted and tried to make it work. But you can't force love to be between two people.
you gotta let it go
It's time to let go of it!
Hold on - hold on
Hold on - hold on
Here's another example of contradiction. He just said let it go and now he's saying hold on! What's he talking as about? My take is that you gotta hold on to the concept of love and you gotta hold on because you're going through a roller coaster ride! It's interesting to note that the background music is whirling around probably much like your mind whirls around whilst going through this. It did for me. This whirling music slows down at the end to a cadence.
The more and more you hear it
The more it seems to make sense
How many times do you hear that you gotta love yourself first? You start hearing it a lot when you've separated and are in the process of rebuilding. Nonetheless you eventually start recognizing to what degree you do love yourself and start addressing what you need to fix to love yourself more. You swear you try to never lose yourself again.
To hold love in the palm of you're hand
If you're really holding love in the palm of your hand then you are loving yourself. You'll always have yourself. Therefore you'll always be in love. Loving others will come and go and it is indeed nice. But the key is to have this self love and not lose it.
But you think that 'round the corner
You queuing up to hold her
I was in and out of an affair with another women. At the time it was out. One thing on my mind was whether or not I would be able to re-establish this relationship with this other woman.
But that won't make a difference in the end
But that is irrelevant - immaterial - I have to get to the point where I love myself again.