

I like those funny one liners. You've probably seen many Jokes lists emailed from friends and family before. I collect them.

At some point I had found a Perl script to generate a random funny line from a list kept in a datafile. Later I found Tagzilla which works in conjunction with Mozilla (and Thunderbird, which is what I use) to tack on a tagline to and outgoing email or news posting.

Now I've organized my taglines in to a Tagzilla file format. Tagzilla also allows you to simply highlite a tagline that you see in email or on a web page and easily steal it into your Tagzilla file. Thus my taglines will grow over time. I also rewrote the Perl script to a PHP script called oneliner.php. It's what generates the oneliner's that you see on my site. For example:

So when I steal a tagline it's automatically eligible to be selected by the PHP script and my website. A simple parameterization allows me to dump all my taglines here: