\n"; if (mail ($to, $subject, $message, $extra_headers)) { print "

The following information has been logged:

"; } // if } // SendNotification ?>

Here are the emails exchanged where IBM, or specifically Naomi Guerrero, and her boss Ralph Bosco attempt to bully me into abandoning my free speech rights:

Good Morning Andrew,

Please my name from your blog site . I your opinion about support, you are obviously . However, I should not be publicly chastised for re-stating IBM guidelines and rules that are set forth by my management. Your case was and I merely stated to you the response from my escalation/development team.

Again, please my name.


thank you and have a great day!

Naomi Guerrero
IBM Rational Support Engineer
Email: naomimg@us.ibm.com

We value your feedback -- customers are my top priority. If at any time you would like to provide feedback about the quality of service, please contact my manager,Ralph Bosco at Ralph_Bosco@us.ibm.com."

And here was my response:

Good Morning Andrew,

Please my name from your blog site . I your opinion about support, you are obviously . However, I should not be publicly chastised for re-stating IBM guidelines and rules that are set forth by my management. Your case was and I merely stated to you the response from my escalation/development team.

Again, please my name.


Rummaging around on my site eh?

I don't think I chastised you at all - I was talking about support organizations in general and IBM in this specific case. I don't believe that anybody would read my posting and think anything other than you were not speaking but rather you were speaking for IBM. I'm a firm believer in the first amendment and for giving credit and blame when it's due. My web site is a place where I state my personal opinions. You should believe what you say and stand behind your words - I do.

If you want to add your own statement to that posting then let me know and I'll add it.

Andrew DeFaria

So now this bitch sicks her boss on me:

Hi Andrew,

While I certainly your first amendment rights, I believe you can maintain the and intent of your post without including Naomi's name. Besides the fact that she's obviously having her name on a public forum, there are other to from the business side.

As you've already stated, she was not speaking but on behalf of IBM policy, and that is where the credit should remain.

Please her name from your blog . You can easily replace it with the more generic "IBM/Rational Technical Support Engineer" without your message and actually make it more accurate, as IBM is standing behind her words.

I trust I can this matter closed.

Ralph Bosco
Support Delivery Manager - ClearQuest, Rational Client Support
IBM Software, Rational
(978) 899-3657 (office) T/L 276-3657

---- Forwarded by Ralph Bosco/Cambridge/IBM on 02/15/2013 09:17 AM -----

From: Andrew DeFaria <Andrew@defaria.com>
To: Naomi Guerrero/Lexington/IBM@IBMUS,
Date: 02/14/2013 11:03 AM
Subject: Please my name from your blog

Good Morning Andrew,

Please my name from your blog site . I your opinion about support, you are obviously . However, I should not be publicly chastised for re-stating IBM guidelines and rules that are set forth by my management. Your case was and I merely stated to you the response from my escalation/development team.

Again, please my name.


Rummaging around on my site eh?

I don't think I chastised you at all - I was talking about support organizations in general and IBM in this specific case. I don't believe that anybody would read my posting and think anything other than you were not speaking but rather you were speaking for IBM. I'm a firm believer in the first amendment and for giving credit and blame when it's due. My web site is a place where I state my personal opinions. You should believe what you say and stand behind your words - I do.

If you want to add your own statement to that posting then let me know and I'll add it.

Andrew DeFaria

I didn't have the heart to tell Bosco man that in my mind this matter was over before it started so I wrote him this:

On 02/15/2013 07:15 AM, ralph_bosco@us.ibm.com wrote:

Hi Andrew,

While I certainly your first amendment rights, I believe you can maintain the and intent of your post without including Naomi's name. Besides the fact that she's obviously having her name on a public forum, there are other to from the business side.

Such as? I'm curious...

This is my personal web site and is unrelated to my business, ClearSCM, Inc. (http://clearscm.com).

Andrew DeFaria

Now Buttco man tries to come up with a plausible issue to from the business side but falls miserably:

Well, for one I can think of right off the bat, it gives anyone who is searching for to CQ access to Naomi, which could impact her ability to support customers such as yourself.

The point is moot. She obviously is having her name in a public blog, and with a very simple change, that can be remediated.

Ralph Bosco
Support Delivery Manager - ClearQuest, Rational Client Support
IBM Software, Rational
(978) 899-3657 (office) T/L 276-3657

Undeterred, I quickly put him in place and they then conspire to have my contract terminated. Nice move there IBM. Fuck you!

On 02/15/2013 07:31 AM, ralph_bosco@us.ibm.com wrote:

Well, for one I can think of right off the bat, it gives anyone who is searching for to CQ access to Naomi, which could impact her ability to support customers such as yourself.

How exactly does one get direct access to somebody from just having a name? Seriously, they'd have to call up and you guys are pretty strict about having "rights" to call IBM support. You don't take support calls from just anybody. And how does that impact her ability to provide support? Sorry, I don't buy it...

The point is moot. She obviously is having her name in a public blog, and with a very simple change, that can be remediated.

I've heard that she's - you've said it twice now. I'm sorry she is. I don't believe she should be. Her comfort is not my duty.

Andrew DeFaria

Note the above emails have been slightly modified. To see what has been modified click here.