N/A"; $failureTypes = array ( "Aborted", "Exit", "Incomplete", "Other", "p2pDataVal", "Parsing", "Timed out", "valMsgs.pl" ); $nonFailures = array ( "Success", "In progress", "Logging started" ); $testTypes = array ( "All", "Normal", "Regression", "Run for Record" ); function dbError ($msg, $statement) { $errno = mysql_errno (); $errmsg = mysql_error (); print <<ERROR: $msg Error #$errno:
SQL Statement:
END; exit ($errno); } // dbError function openDB () { global $dbserver; global $userid; global $password; global $dbname; $db = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $userid, $password) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to connect to database server $dbserver", "Connect"); mysql_select_db ($dbname) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to select the $dbname database", "$dbname"); } // openDB function getDays () { $days = array (); $statement = "select start from testrun group by left (start, 10) order by start desc"; $result = mysql_query ($statement) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to execute query: ", $statement); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) { array_push ($days, YMD2MDY ($row["start"])); } // while return $days; } // getDays function setRowColor ($result) { if ($result == "Success") { return " class=success"; } elseif ($result == "Failure") { return " class=failure"; } elseif ($result == "Timed out") { return " class=timed_out"; } elseif ($result == "In progress" || $result == "Logging started") { return " class=in_progress"; } else { return " class=white"; } // if } // setRowColor function colorResult ($result) { if ($result == "Success") { return "$result"; } elseif ($result == "Failure") { return "$result"; } else { return $result; } // if } // colorResult function sortPassed ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpNbr ($a, $b, "Passed", $direction); } // sortPassed function sortFailed ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpNbr ($a, $b, "Failed", $direction); } // sortFailed function sortSuccess ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpNbr ($a, $b, "Success", $direction); } // sortSuccess function sortFailure ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpNbr ($a, $b, "Failure", $direction); } // sortFailure function sortTotal ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpNbr ($a, $b, "Total", $direction); } // sortTotal function sortSuite ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Suite", $direction); } // sortSuite function sortStart ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Start", $direction); } // sortStart function sortDate ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Date", $direction); } // sortDate function sortEnd ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "End", $direction); } // sortEnd function sortTestcase ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Testcase", $direction); } // sortTestcase function sortType ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Type", $direction); } // sortType function sortUnitVersion ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Unit/Version", $direction); } // sortUnitVersion function sortUnit ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Unit", $direction); } // sortUnit function sortStatus ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpStr ($a, $b, "Status", $direction); } // sortStatus function sortDuration ($a, $b) { global $direction; return cmpNbr ($a, $b, "Duration", $direction); } // sortDuration function getName ($table, $id) { $statement = "select name from $table where id=$id"; $result = mysql_query ($statement) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to execute query: ", $statement); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result); return $row["name"]; } // getName function getTestNames () { $statement = "select name from test order by name"; $result = mysql_query ($statement) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to execute query: ", $statement); $names = array ("<All Tests>"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) { array_push ($names, $row["name"]); } // while return $names; } // getTestNames function getBuildNbr ($runid) { global $na; $statement = "select name from version where type=\"ran_version\" and runid=$runid"; $result = mysql_query ($statement) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to execute query: ", $statement); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result); if (isset ($row["name"])) { $buildNbr = preg_replace ("/.*\-(\w+)/", "$1", $row["name"]); return $buildNbr; } else { return $na; } // if } // getBuildNbr function getVersion ($type, $runid) { global $na; $statement = "select name from version where type=\"$type\" and runid=$runid"; $result = mysql_query ($statement) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to execute query: ", $statement); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result); if (isset ($row["name"])) { return $row["name"]; } else { return $na; } // if } // getVersion function getVersions ($type) { $statement = "select name from version where type=\"$type\" group by name"; $result = mysql_query ($statement) or dbError (__FUNCTION__ . ": Unable to execute query: ", $statement); // $names = array ("<All Versions>"); $names = array (); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) { array_push ($names, $row["name"]); } // while return $names; } // getVersions function getTestVersions ($testcase) { if (isset ($testcase)) { $testcase = preg_replace ("/\*/", "%", $testcase); $condition = "and test.name like \"$testcase\""; } else { $condition = ""; } // if $statement = <<"; if (count ($days) < 2) { $day = $days[0]; } elseif (!isset ($day)) { $day = date ("m/d/Y"); } // if foreach ($days as $d) { $dateDropdown .= ""; } // if } else { if ($forEmail) { return "No"; } else { return ""; return $na; } // if } // if } # logs function getStatus ($startDate, $endDate, $type = "") { $dateCond = ""; if (isset ($startDate)) { $startDate = MDY2YMD ($startDate); } // if if (isset ($endDate)) { $endDate = MDY2YMD ($endDate); } // if if (isset ($startDate) and isset ($endDate)) { $dateCond = "and left (testrun.start, 10) >= \"$startDate\" " . "and left (testruns.end, 10) <= \"$endDate\"" ; } elseif ($startDate) { $dateCond = "and left (testrun.start, 10) >= \"$startDate\""; } elseif ($endDate) { $dateCond = "and left (testruns.end, 10) <= \"$endDate\""; } # if $exectypeCond = ""; if ($type != "" and $type != "All") { $exectypeCond = "and testruns.exectype = \"$type\""; } // if $statement = << $value) { $data["Date"] = $key; $data["Success"] = $value["Success"]; $data["Failure"] = $value["Failure"]; $data["Total"] = $value["Total"]; array_push ($stats, $data); } // foreach return $stats; } // getStatus function getStepFailures ($runid) { global $failureTypes, $nonFailures; $statement = <<") { unset ($version); } // if if (isset ($version)) { $condition = "and version.name = \"$version\""; } else { $condition = ""; } // if $statement = <<