Regarding Danni's Weight problems:

I looked over at the National Center for Health Statistics and here's what I've found.

First I measured Danni. She's 53 inches (4' 5") and weights 78 lbs. According to Instructions for calculating Body Mass Index this gives Danni a BMI of 19.52. Looking at the growth chart for girls ages 2-20 yields:

They go on to talk about overweight kids who are in the 95 percentile or above. While Danni is not at the 95 percentile she is very close to the 90 percentile. I think it's time we act now before she gets too heavy.

Looking at the Weight for Age chart yields similar concern:

Again, Danni ranks close to the 90th percentile.

Finally the Stature for Age:

Here Danni scores close to the 75th percentile, which is a lot better.