Error !! Can't find data file : $data_file.
"; exit; } else { if ($max_record_in_data_file != "0") { $f = file($data_file); rsort($f); $j = count($f); if ($j > $max_record_in_data_file) { $rf = fopen($data_file,"w"); if (strtoupper($os)=="UNIX") { if (flock($rf,LOCK_EX)) { for ($i=0; $i<$max_record_in_data_file; $i++) { fwrite($rf,$f[$i]); } flock($rf,LOCK_UN); } } else { for ($i=0; $i<$max_record_in_data_file; $i++) { fwrite($rf,$f[$i]); } } fclose($rf); } } } session_start(); $newline = (strtoupper($os) == "WIN") ? "\r\n" : "\n"; switch ($do) { case "": $record = file($data_file); rsort($record); $jmlrec = count($record); ?> <?=$title?>


More photos added 4/25/2006
Click here

Charles Gomes De Faria age 81, passed away on March 19, 2006 in Santos Brazil. Originally from Newark N.J.he served in the Army in WWII under General Patton's command. He recieved an honorable discharge. He later married and moved to Linden N.J.had 5 children.. He moved to Santos, Brazil in 1970 and has lived there the remainder of his life

He leaves behind his companion Hilda and his 5 children from his former marriage. Roxanne Johansen from Oldsmar Fl, Raymond De Faria from Clearwater Fl, Christina De Faria from Lawrenceville Ga , Andrew De Faria from San Jose Ca.and Cindy Anderson from.Oviedo Fl. He also leaves 5 grandchildren his only sister Mrs. Mary Arminio from W. Palm Beach Fl and a niece Diane Perry from Port St. Lucie and 3 Great neices.

He will be missed very much by the entire family. A Memorial Mass will be held for him at St. Lukes Catholic Church in Palm Springs, Florida on April 23, 2006.

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0) $jml_page++; $no = $page*$max_entry_per_page-$max_entry_per_page; if ($jmlrec == 0) echo ""; $w = 0; //--Color for ($i=0; $i<$max_entry_per_page; $i++) { $no++; $recno = $no-1; if (isset($record[$recno])) { $row = explode("|~|",$record[$recno]); if ($w==0) { $warna = $table_content_1a; $warna2 = $table_content_1b; $w=1; } else { $warna = $table_content_2a; $warna2 = $table_content_2b; $w=0; } echo ""; echo ""; } //--end if } //--end for echo ""; ?>
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