Subcommands for show: 8021pmap - Display Global 8021p QoS map info ace - Show all aces acl - Display ACL list activeacl - Show all ACL attached to a given OLC or ONU alarm - Display alarm logged in the system board - Display board information channel - Display DS3 channel configuration fdb - Display static/dynamic FDB information image - Display system image information interface - Display interface configuration l2switch - Display L2 switch configuration logevent - Display event logged in the system maintenance - Display maintenance command configuration or ma intenance command history module - Display ONU module information onu - Display ONU configuration onubw - Display ONU bandwidth distribution info path - Display sonet path configuration pon - Display OLC PON port information ponbw - Display PON bandwidth distribution info services - Display services information snmp - Display SNMP configuration stats - Display statistic data for PON, TDM, ether and VLAN stp - Display STP PON switch/port information subscribers - Display subscribers information switchport - Display switchport information system - Display system configuration this - Display information about current object tosmap - Display TOS QoS map information user - Display user account configuration vdslconfig - Display VDSL port configuation vdslphy - Display VDSL port physical states vdslvalidrates - Display all valid VDSL rates combinations vlan - Display specific VLAN information vlaninfo - Display overall VLAN information within this OL T device vlanmap - Display VLAN QoS map information vtds1 - Display sonet vc_ds1 configuration xconnect - Display crossconnect configuration