#!/usr/bin/expect -- ################################################################################ # # File: tester # Description: This is the test driver program. It is responsible for running # all tests based on category, etc. # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Fri Jun 6 15:37:15 PDT 2003 # Language: Expect # # (c) Copyright 2003, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved # ################################################################################ # Source in the Testing package set test_base "/dview/defaria_default/Tools/testing" source "$test_base/bin/TestPkg.tcl" namespace import Test::* # Globals set machine "" set class "" set test "" proc usage {} { Display "Usage: tester \[-u\] \[-v\] \[-d\] \[-c \] \[-t \] " Display "" Display "Where:" Display "" Display "\t-u\tUsage (this screen)" Display "\t-v\tTurn on verbose mode" Display "\t-d\tTurn on debug mode" Display "\t-c\tRun only tests" Display "\t-t\tRun only " exit 1 } proc ExecTestCase {test class} { variable debug variable test_base cd "$test_base/tests/$class" if {[catch {source $test}]} { Warning "Internal problems executing test $test" # If debug is on then re-source the test to see the errors # if {$Test::debug == 1} { # Debug "Re-sourcing test..." source $test } } } proc ExecTestClass {class} { variable test_base cd "$test_base/tests/$class" if {[catch {set tests [lsort [glob *.exp]]}]} { Warning "No tests in class $class" } else { set nbr_tests [llength $tests] if {$nbr_tests == 1} { Log ">>\tStart $class class of tests ($nbr_tests test)" } else { Log ">>\tStart $class class of tests ($nbr_tests tests)" } foreach test $tests { ExecTestCase $test $class } Log ">>\tEnd $class class of tests" } cd ".." } proc ExecAllTests {} { variable test_base cd "$test_base/tests" foreach class [exec "ls"] { if {[file isdirectory $class]} { ExecTestClass $class } } } proc GetParms {argv argc} { # Other machines to try: # # variable machine variable class variable test set index 0 while {$index < $argc} { set arg [lindex $argv $index] switch -- $arg { -u { usage } -c { incr index set class [lindex $argv $index] } -t { incr index set test [lindex $argv $index] } -v { set Test::verbose 1 } -d { set Test::debug 1 } default { set machine $arg } } incr index } } # Main GetParms $argv $argc if {$machine == ""} { # Warning "Defaulting to machine $Test::machine" set machine $Test::machine } if {$class != ""} { if {[file isdirectory "$test_base/tests/$class"] == 0} { Error "Class $class not found ($test_base/$class)" } } if {$test != ""} { if {$class == ""} { Error "You must specify the test class when performing individual test case runs" } else { if {[file exists "$test_base/tests/$class/$test"] == 0} { Error "Test $test not found ($test_base/$class/$test)" } } } # Log into card Login $machine # Start test(s) if {$test != ""} { ExecTestCase $test $class } else { StartSuite if {$class != ""} { ExecTestClass $class } else { ExecAllTests } EndSuite }