################################################################################ # # File: site_parms.santa_clara # Description: This file describes unique properties of a site. It is intended # that /etc/profile source this file so as to set the environment # variables here. # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Fri Jul 25 14:01:35 PDT 2003 # # (c) Copyright 2003, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved # ################################################################################ ## General Section # Name of site export SITE_NAME="US" export SITE_NAME_LONG="Santa Clara" # Who is the responsible administrator export SITE_ADMIN="Andrew DeFaria" # What is his email address export SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL="ADeFaria@Salira.com" ## Windows Section # Where's the $HOME server export SITE_HOME_SERVER="sonscentral" # What's the name of the share where $HOME directories are export SITE_HOME_SHARENAME="users" # What machine hosts anonymous FTP export SITE_ANON_FTP_SERVER="sons-clearcase" # Where are releases stored export SITE_RELEASE_SERVER="swlab-ftpserver sonscentral" # What's the path to the release area export SITE_RELEASE_PATH="Release Corporate/Software/Release" # Where's the build server export SITE_BUILD_SERVER="sons-clearcase" ## Clearcase Section # Where's the region export SITE_REGION="US" # Where's the vob server export SITE_VOB_SERVER="sons-clearcase" # Where's the view server export SITE_VIEW_SERVER="sons-clearcase" # What's the name of the share where views are kept export SITE_VIEW_SHARENAME="Views" # Where's the view storage area export SITE_VIEW_STORAGE="//$SITE_VIEW_SERVER/$SITE_VIEW_SHARENAME" # What's the path to snapshot views export SITE_SNAPSHOT_VIEW_PATH="/view" # What's the path to dyanmic views export SITE_DYNAMIC_VIEW_PATH="/dview" # What's the official view export SITE_OFFICIAL_VIEW="official" ## Tools # In house tools are now in the Tools vob. As such they need to be accessed # through Clearcase, through a view export SITE_TOOLS_VOB="Tools" export SITE_TOOLS_VIEW="$SITE_OFFICIAL_VIEW" # Where the in-house tools are located export SITE_TOOLS_PATH="$SITE_SNAPSHOT_VIEW_PATH/$SITE_TOOLS_VIEW/$SITE_TOOLS_VOB"