#!/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.4 ################################################################################ # # File: cvsims,v # Revision: # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Description: This script will read CVS commit information searching for Issue # IDs and formulate a "change set" including the files committed # and update IMS. # Created: Fri Dec 9 15:10:56 PST 2005 # Modified: 2007/05/17 07:45:48 # Language: perl # # (c) Copyright 2005, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; my $me; my $version = "1.0"; BEGIN { # Set $lib_path my $lib_path = $^O =~ /MSWin/ ? "\\\\brcm-irv\\dfs\\projects\\ccase\\SCM\\lib" : "/projects/ccase/SCM/lib"; # Extract relative path and basename from script name. $0 =~ /(.*)[\/\\](.*)/; my $abs_path = (!defined $1) ? "." : File::Spec->rel2abs ($1); $me = (!defined $2) ? $0 : $2; $me =~ s/\.pl$//; # Add the appropriate path to our modules to @INC array. unshift @INC, $ENV {SITE_PERL_LIBPATH} if defined $ENV {SITE_PERL_LIBPATH}; unshift @INC, "$lib_path"; unshift @INC, "$abs_path"; } # BEGIN use IMS; use Display; sub Usage { my $msg = shift; display "ERROR: $msg\n" if defined $msg; display "Usage: $me\t[-u] [-v] [-d] [-passthru] \t\t[{-pre -logfile } | \t\t {-post -repository -path \t\t { ...}}] Where: -u: Display usage -v: Turn on verbose mode -d: Turn on debug mode -passthru: Passthru stdin to stdout Pre options: -pre: Perform pre commit checking. -logfile Path to logfile containing commit message Post options: -post: Perform post commit updating -repository: Repository (path portion of \$CVSROOT) -path: Path relative to repository : Files and revisions commited (Format: \"file rev file rev ...\") "; exit 1; } # Usage sub UpdateIMS { my $issueid = shift; my $repository = shift; my $path = shift; my %filerevs = @_; my $change_set; foreach (sort (keys (%filerevs))) { $change_set .= "${filerevs {$_}}\t$repository/$path/$_\n"; } # foreach my $error = AddToChangeSet ($issueid, $change_set); return $error; } # UpdateIMS sub ParseInput { my @input = @_; my $sentinal = "csp: "; my %issue_ids; my @issue_ids; # Issue id information in the input must have the following format: # # $sentinal , {n} foreach my $line (@input) { if ($line =~ /^$sentinal/i) { # Remove $sentinal $line = substr $line, length ($sentinal); # Remove and commas $line =~ tr /,/ /; @issue_ids = split /\s+/, $line; last; } # if } # foreach # Eliminate duplicates on return return grep (!$issue_ids {$_}++, @issue_ids); } # ParseInput sub ReadFile { my $file = shift; my $passthru = shift; my @lines = <$file>; my @cleansed_lines; foreach (@lines) { print $_ if $passthru; chomp; chop if /\r/; push @cleansed_lines, $_ if !/^#/; # Discard comment lines } # foreach return @cleansed_lines; } # ReadFile my $optkind; my $repository; my $path; my $passthru = 0; my $logfile; my %filerevs; while ($ARGV [0]) { if ($ARGV [0] eq "-v") { Display::set_verbose; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-d") { set_debug; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-passthru") { $passthru = 1; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-repository") { shift @ARGV; if (!$ARGV [0]) { Usage "Must specify repository after -repository"; } else { $repository = $ARGV [0]; } # if } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-path") { shift @ARGV; if (!$ARGV [0]) { Usage "Must specify path after -path"; } else { $path = $ARGV [0]; } # if } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-pre") { $optkind = "pre"; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-logfile") { shift @ARGV; if (!$ARGV [0]) { Usage "Must specify log filename after -logfile"; } else { $logfile = $ARGV [0]; } # if } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-post") { $optkind = "post"; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-u") { Usage; } else { %filerevs = @ARGV; last; } # if shift (@ARGV); } # while Usage "Must specify -pre or -post" if !defined $optkind; if ($optkind eq "pre") { Usage "No logfile to parse" if !defined $logfile; } elsif ($optkind eq "post") { Usage "No files committed" if !%filerevs; } # if my @issue_ids; if ($optkind eq "pre") { verbose "$me v$version: Checking for Issue ID(s)..."; open LOGFILE, $logfile or error "Unable to open logfile $logfile - $!", 4; @issue_ids = ParseInput ReadFile (*LOGFILE); close LOGFILE; } else { # Special case here. Seems cvs will call this script through loginfo # even though directories are not versioned in cvs. If so then # %filerevs will contain "- New directory" and "NONE". In this case # we simply exit 0. if (defined $filerevs {"- New directory"}) { exit 0; } # if verbose "$me v$version: Updating Issue ID(s)..."; @issue_ids = ParseInput ReadFile (*STDIN, $passthru); } # if if (scalar (@issue_ids) eq 0) { error "No issue ID(s) found", 1; } # if verbose "Verifying Issue IDs"; foreach (@issue_ids) { my %issue_info = GetIssue $_; if (%issue_info) { verbose "Issue $_ exists in IMS"; } else { error "Issue ID $_ does not exist in IMS", 2 if !%issue_info; } # if } # foreach if ($optkind eq "post") { foreach my $issue_id (@issue_ids) { verbose "Updating Issue ID ${issue_id}'s Change Set"; my $error = UpdateIMS $issue_id, $repository, $path, %filerevs; if ($error ne "") { error $error, 3; } else { verbose "Issue ID ${issue_id}'s Change Set updated"; } # if } # foreach } # if exit 0;